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Amir Fattal (b. 1978, Tel Aviv, Israel) is an artist and curator based in Berlin. Fattal’s practice is one of reflection grounded in the history of aesthetics and cultural references. Working with new technologies such as AI, 3D printing, and digital animation, his work highlights their effects on creativity.

His recent exhibitions include: KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin (2024); Bravermann Gallery, Tel Aviv (2024); LAGOS, Mexico City (2023); Geisted, Berlin (2022); Seoul International Cinema and Media Festival (2021); Am Tacheles, Berlin (2021); RMCA Museum, Guangzhou (2019); Collection Enea Righi at Museo Fortuny, Venice (2019); International Photography Festival, Tel Aviv (2016); Kunstquerier Bethanien, Berlin (2016); Kunsthaus Dahlem (2015); and Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Israel (2015).

Get in touch for information about available works.

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